Creando atmósfera en el punto de venta...
Altabox incorpora un nuevo Módulo de Medición de Impactos para digital signage. Audience measurement for Digital Signage.

Desde agosto de 2008, Altabox pone a disposición de sus clientes un Módulo de Medición de Impactos y Audiencia para sus canales de digital signage.
Este nuevo módulo de medición de impactos permitirá medir la audiencia de los canales de digital signage situados en los establecimientos, así como la efectividad de las promociones y anuncios que el cliente desee medir.
El módulo de medición de impactos y audiencia se integra dentro del software Kentia de Altabox. Con esta mejora, el Kentia permite a los clientes gestionar canales de música personalizados, cuñas y avisos publicitarios, canales de vídeo, así como medir la respuesta del público ante los mismos.
La solución incorpora gráficos y documentos de seguimiento de la audiencia a través de los cuales se hace más sencillo saber cuánta gente ha visto qué contenido en fecha y hora exactas de emisión. Podríamos decir que con esta nueva herramienta de medición conseguimos el GRP Efectivo en el punto de venta.
Para más información sobre nuestras soluciones digital signage, producción de contenidos o asesoramiento para su proyecto:
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Altabox introduce Audience Measurement Module in Kentia Software for Digital Signage. With this module Altabox can measure the effective impact of contents and advertising in digital signage projects.
Música en puntos de venta. In Store Music: affects the way shoppers

Altabox ofrece a sus clientes su software Kentia, único en el mercado debido a que le permite optimizar la ambientación de su punto de venta: música, cuñas y avisos, y vídeo. Tres módulos combinados entre sí, y que ayudan a la creación de un canal propio que entretenga, incremente las ventas y, por tanto, fidelize al consumidor.
You can read in the news Retail Week attached numerous studies on the influence of music and sound outlets that indicate that directly affects purchases, as well as promote the shopping experience that the consumer experience. We can also read some common errors to avoid in managing musical outlets.
Altabox offers software Kentia, unique in market because it lets you optimize the ambience of your stores: music, jingles and ads, and video. Three modules combined, and that help you to create a channel that entertains, increase sales and retain consumers.
Help for shop... and new advertising oportunities
Using a display on their trolleys, shoppers in a test in the US will be able to find the products they need and pay for them. The system comes from Microsoft in collaboration with Media Cart. And of course, by knowing where the trolley is travelling around the store, relevant ads can be placed just as the consumer is passing the right spot. The east coast ShopRite supermarket chain will get the test this summer.
Scott Ferris, general manager of the Advertiser and Publisher Solutions Group at Microsoft, tells:
"Digital advertising opportunities are expanding rapidly into new areas, as many of consumers' daily activities, such as shopping, become increasingly 'connected,' and Microsoft is committed to working with advertisers and agencies to take advantage of these opportunities as they unfold."
The shopper will get promotions based on location within the store but that's the least of it. The whole thing works with loyalty cards, so the store will also deliver suggested shopping lists and promotions based on previous habits. Expect more crashed trolleys and tumbling displays of tall canned goods pyramids as shoppers no longer look where they are going in your local supermarket.
MediaSoonEffectiveness of digital signage... increase sales 20%!
You can read more information in a news item published by Digital Signage Today, which describes the study in Sydney pharmacies:
Coke sells ads on its vending machines
AVT's founder, Shannon Illingworth, tells:
"We have retrofitted our AVTi digital advertising signage hardware/software into multiple Coca-Cola vending systems located at Laguna Hills Shopping
Mall in Laguna Hills, California, for the initial stage of a multi-phase southern California base pilot program with Coke. This is creating an opportunity for Coca-Cola to be part of type of network that it is so familiar with branding and disseminating information."
The advertising LCDs are being retrofitted into Coke vending systems and are connected by 3G modems which link all the systems to the Internet, which in turn links to AVT's dynamic server located in California. On the server, there's software which can dynamically control and update the content on any Coke vending systems at push of a few keystrokes.